Thank You!

Hi, one and all, images-8

Finally, my wife and I are back in civilization where we now have access to unlimited WiFi which means that yours truly will soon be back, up and running once again.

I would like to pay tribute through this medium to a wonderful lady that has gone and designed five covers for four of my titles that are now available on Amazon Kindle in the e-book format as well as a hard copy for those who prefer to hold a book in their hands.

Thank you, Eeva.

The exciting news that I wish to share with you all is that my one stand-alone novel, “Fangs of Fury” will soon be released in South Africa and distributed throughout the country in various bookstores, and hopefully will do well enough over here for it to reach the overseas market as well, but only time will tell.

I would also like to thank everyone who kept my flag flying on Twitter while I was in limbo and not able to reciprocate all the tweets, but like I said…I AM BACK and will soon be up and running again. There are just too many of you to name, but each one of you knows who you are, and you have my heartfelt thanks

For those who have not seen these amazing covers, here they are again…back and better than ever before.

Thank you all once again, and remember, you never know what is watching from the shadows…take care out there.

Blood Moon Cover 2Blood Spoor Cover 2

Blood Demon new amazonFangsd Soon to be releasedDevil new

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